Our Tarot Card for July

How quickly the time goes by even under modified stay-at-home conditions. It is time to draw our monthly Celtic tarot card.  Recently I wrote about journaling. This is a good place for me to suggest that journaling about the cards we pull and your response to them can bring insight and clarity to patterns in life that might not be in our awareness.

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The card for June 2020 is The Archer from the Greenwood Tarot by Mark Ryan and Chesca Potter. We have used this deck before. Subtitled “Pre-Celtic Shamanism of the Mythic Forest”, it is rich with archetypes and animal totems that tell the story of very ancient time. While it deviates quite a bit from the classic tarot, the Archer is akin to the Chariot card. 

We know from archaeological evidence that bows and arrows existed in many indigenous cultures. The authors detail the types of bows found back through time and remind us of the importance of this tool and the skill needed for the archer to use it for survival.

Symbolically, we are the archers needing to take our inspiration and creativity and aim it toward a worthy target. If you have ever picked up and bow and shot an arrow, you know it is much harder than it looks. Strength, steadiness, and focus are required. The action of a clean release is of paramount importance.

The authors state that the card suggests it portends “the dawn of a new adventure”.

We are certainly interesting times. Adventures abound. 

May you chose your targets well, be patient and thoughtful as you judge the time of release, and let your arrows fly with precision to those targets that will bring you joy and love and abundance.