Vibration and Frequency

celtic spirit

22 is a master number in numerology and spiritually sends a message from the Angels to seek balance and harmony at the highest level of your being. It probably is then no accident that we are talking about vibration and frequency on June 22.

Light, sound and energy all have qualities of vibration and frequency. Modern day technology uses vibration and frequency in ways I can not begin to describe. I merely am the beneficiary of their workings. Likewise, The Ancient Ones understood aspects of vibration and frequency which I can experience in a stone circle, although I cannot explain why. How is such energetic resonance created? How can I experience it in my everyday life? I can I know better how to work with it? 

The Celts believed in an Unseen World, in the Sidhe, in Faery. As I say often, the ancient monuments were built with a knowledge of a cosmology and modalities for expressing energy that were far more sophisticated than scholars have recognized. I personally accessed a greater sensitivity through trips to Ireland. But I know of many empaths who always had heightened sensitivity and know many people who are opening to their gifts and powers in different ways.

I am slowly realizing how my own frequency changes as my consciousness changes. I feel the match or the mismatch of frequencies when relating to others. I also am learning to raise my vibration in a way that goes so far beyond the old wisdom of managing one’s feelings or moods. For example, yesterday on Facebook I played with the recognition of which posts and comments raised my frequency and which contributed to my higher sense of purpose. You might predict, there were few and I took a break from FB for a day or two.

I have read and reread a wonderful book by Penney Peirce that captures and teaches me more than any other about this topic. It is entitled  Frequency: The Power of Vibration and I highly recommend it to those of you who want to go deep into exploration. Here is a quotation she uses that speaks to where I am at (and I presume many of you are) with the concept.

“The convergence of mysticism and the new physics has brought us to the gateway of our humanness. Beyond lies something that literally is beyond of language.”

I have always been drawn to the mystics of all religions and the wisdom they offer. The image of Sufi whirling dervishes points out how creating experiences of heightened vibration and frequency are universal. But we do not have to follow mystics or quantum physicists to create means of raising our frequency. Carrying a song in your heart, walking along the shore, or sitting under a shade tree is enough if your intention is to truly be present within yourself.

The Access Consciousness movement has a simple tool to help us be mindful of what is for our Highest Good:

Ask yourself, do I feel lighter? Heavier?

If you feel lighter you are in a vibration and frequency that is working for you. Affirm those experiences and let go of those that feel heavy, that drag you down.

These are trying times. May we all find ways to remove toxicity and follow the frequency of Light and Love.