Oracle Cards for 2024 and for the month of January

We have two cards to contemplate today. Both are from The Sacred Circle Tarot, a Celtic Pagan Journey by Anna Franklin, illustrated by Paul Mason. One is for the entire year that begins today, and the other for January.

The Sacred Circle Tarot: A Celtic Pagan Journey Cards Initiation and Rest

The synchronicity of the cards is unbelievable, and the Initiation card for 2024 is perfect for the start of our year. This is the Temperance card in the Major Arcana of a traditional tarot deck. It is about actively pursuing and achieving balance and perspective, often through ritual death, renewal, and rebirth. The labyrinth is the perfect tool to do so. It is an age-old symbol of our journey and a practice of walking a sacred journey. We begin by walking to its center, releasing old energies that no longer serve while walking on a winding path that we can trust will not lead us astray. 

Here, on January 1, we can go to the center of the labyrinth, mindful of the importance of this cycle every day, every year, and within our lifetime. We can set an intent and safely journey back through the labyrinth to home. Thus, we come full circle with a new perspective and energy that aligns us with the present and prepares us to walk into the future.

 What better gift and challenge than meditating on the labyrinth, new beginnings, and a soulful path into the new year?

Card two is the Four of Swords, which, in the author's words, indicates that “you have just gone through a period of great difficulty, and it is now time to rest from your struggles and gather your energies before you move on.” I think most of us would agree that 2023 has been a difficult year, and we can feel the weariness of it. This card reminds us to take time for self-care and reflection and then allow renewal for the challenges ahead. Note Newgrange in the background- then quintessential Celtic ceremonial place of winter solstice celebration. This is an ancient and powerful reminder of the changing of the seasons, of giving into the darkness as we prepare to open to the growing light symbolized by the daisies.

May your January bring a restful presence that allows for insight and renewal.

May the hope of the New Year follow you through the journey of 2024, bringing health, well-being, and peace.