Step up to the Possibilities

posibilites with celtic spirituality

2020 ---the beginning of a new year, the beginning of a new decade, the beginning of what will be an ever-challenging time of change and opportunity!

How do we Step forth? Step in? Step up to the possibilities before us?

Stone path, thin places in ireland

Readers of Celtic Spirit and/or Amidst the Stones will already know that visiting  thin places and sacred sites in Celtic Ireland  were a huge catalyst for my personal and spiritual growth. Even in the Snapshot series of travelogues. I write of the awe and wonder “More powerful than any cathedral” I have experienced. I was stirred to step in to a sense of surrender to the Eternal Force, call it God or Energy, at a deeper level than even before.

I do not suggest that everyone need to visit Celtic lands to experience the Mystery and Wonder that leads to and supports us through change, but I do suggest that intentionally embracing a path of connection to Nature, to Spirit, to Universal Energy  can help us embrace the future from a place of grounding, of positive anticipation, and of renewed vigor. Pilgrimages, retreats, and journeying (Both travel and sacred inward journeys through visualization ) have all become more and more popular. The Camino de Santiago in Spain, for example, has become so busy that more and more folks are exploring lesser known pilgrimage paths for 2020. Many of these are in Celtic lands, places I so love.

But, again, one need not  visit sacred sites in order to experience spiritual transformation.  Whether traveling, walking through the woods or sitting in your favorite chair, you can open yourself to personal growth and transformation by taking the steps below:

Create open space in your life for Spirit to enter.

 Release emotional dramas and ideas that no longer work for you.

 Set your intention with care.

 Look and listen to what the Universe is telling you.

 Practice gratitude and affirmation.

 Live your values.

 Surrender your ego.


One of my projects in the coming weeks is to make a Guide to Spiritual Transformation available as a free e-book.

If you have questions or ideas on what you would like addressed, let me know. And if you are interested in a copy, let me know that too or watch this space for an update.

Wishing you rich and meaningful experiences in 2020 and May you step forth on your path with ease, joy and grace.

stone path anther thin place in ireland