Three Cards for January to Begin the New Year


We’ve begun a ritual now of drawing a tarot or oracle card for each month. Today it seemed appropriate to draw three cards to begin 2020, which by all accounts is going to be an important year for our consciousness and the well-being of the planet. The Celts believe in the magic of threes. A three-card spread traditionally invites us to look at past, present, and future. I dare say all of us spend some time over the New Year’s holiday reflecting on this theme. I found these cards to be meaningful to my year review and hope you will as well.

The cards I drew are from what presently is my favorite deck: The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards, by Colette Baron-Reid. While they do not follow the tarot pattern, they do represent the spirit of tarot and can offer insight and suggested areas of focus. This deck is divided into four parts: The Messengers of Avalon, the Animal Guides of Availon, The Guides of Faery, and The Sacred Journey Markers. The stories of Avalon represented are rich and captivating.

The three cards I drew today are all from the section Sacred Journey Markers, which seems in keeping with our start of 2020 which promises to be a transformation year.


Disruption is in the position of the past. Certainly, our world has been in disrupted throughout 2019. I think it is fair to say we are all weary of the negativity and chaos of our newsfeeds and the sense of heaviness that has surrounded us. My personal life has not been directly affected, for which I am grateful every day. I also am mindful that it has been a challenging, if not terribly difficult year for many,

Note that the image is that of a powerful waterfall. Certainly disruptive to the gentle flowing water upstream but also falling into a gentle flow again

Be reminded that the way of the God/Goddess is one of Mystery and Chaos, and chaos is the ultimate cleanser.

See the restored balance and gentle flow returning downstream of the fall.

Protection is in the position of the present. I welcome this card as it reminds me to filter out the madness and watch carefully how my actions as well as those of others are impacting the present moment, and therefore the way we start out this new year of 2020.

“Remember to walk the path of truth but the higher ground but wear a cloak for protection”

Brighid Maurphy an American shamanic practitioner calls this cloak a filter, reminding us that we want something that discerns what is useful to enter rather than a shield that keep everything out.

The card adds that we also remember to ask for protection and that the Divine will indeed provide t.

Trust is in the position of the future. To me, this is an affirmation that the faith and good will of the holiday season can and will be continued if we

Again, the card offers advice: “Remain in the light, even if it seems like the more difficult path”Note the bridge, a sturdy stone bridge that connects one side to the other, our truth to a greater truth, present truth to the future.