Oracle Card for the Month

Once again, I've chosen Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards for our monthly draw. 

I'm sitting on my little pontoon boat named Lady of the Lake and have this deck with me. The card reading for this month surprisingly however is the Cow. Actually, I was a little disappointed at first that it wasn't a more lofty or intriguing item- The Cow, when I was expecting an iconic figure like Merlin or maybe a dragon! 

 But once again the serendipity of the cards is awesome. I had just sent a friend a cow meme from Facebook in remembrance of his little boy wanting a real cow for Christmas (and the dilemma that created for Santa). And yesterday, I took visitors to sample my friend's ice cream where wonderful pictures of cows decorate the walls of the yummy creamery.

But most of all, I thought of the countryside with the corn growing high in fields, next to cows grazing quietly in adjacent fields.

The author Colette Baron-Reid says of the abundance this card brings: "There is no shortage of blessings in the world". This card is a wonderful reminder of our need to be aware and grateful for all we are given and all that we create.

Jean Houston tells the story of Margaret Mead, a family friend, taking her to a farm to see a cow so that she would understand that milk didn't come simply from the grocery shelf. She wanted her to understand the concepts of process and what Jean calls middleness.

Our deck creator says it another way: " Abundance is manifest out of a universal system". 

May you continue to enjoy the blessings that summer has provided us as we head into fall and may your September be simply glorious.