Devas of Form

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Mother Nature is at work. This time of year, the signs of reawakening life are all around us. Given our recent Covid experience, being outdoors and with Nature brings even more joy and awe. I usually am in Ireland or one of the other Celtic Nations in May. This year I am home being reminded of how spring flowers, bees and green grass brighten spring wherever I am. And I am truly grateful.

I was gifted a copy of Julia Cameron’s updated classic The Artist’s Way and came across the following quotation from The Talmud:

Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over and whispers, ‘Grow, grow’.

The idea of Nature beings is not new. Devas of Form may seem like a New Age term, but the word comes from the Sanskrit. In Hinduism, it is the term used for all celestial beings. The Ancient Ones from Celtic Lands held this tradition of goddesses and gods of Nature fertilizing and caring for the land. Not only the bees and insects and forces of Nature but also the realm of Fairy were seen as actively bringing forth life each spring. We see it in the various rituals and holiday celebrations.

Those of you who garden know from experience the sense of other forces having a  hand in creation. Many of you talk to your plants, many also talk the  energetic forces in nature as well, the elementals or devas of form.

The eco-village of Findhorn in Scotland began in 1962 in the days before the term eco-village was even known to most of us. It brought the Celtic sensibility toward nature to the challenges of today. In their own words, they are “a dynamic experiment where everyday life is guided by the inner voice of spirit, where we work in co-creation with the intelligence of nature and take inspired action towards our vision of a better world”. Two great books I suggest to learn more: The Findhorn Garden Story and Encounters With Nature Spirits: Co-creating with the Elemental Kingdom.

Another great resource in learning about nature spirits is Kim Wilborn, author and producer of webinars featuring a wide array of guest speakers .

A final note:

Findhorn last month experienced a devastating fire in just a few weeks ago. If you wish to contribute to their work, go to